Dr. Zinkal Tilva has obtained her B.H.M.S degree from the R.H.M.C College, Rajkot. She has also obtained her P.G degree in Homoeopathy in the year 2012
In journey of 3 years with Drs. Chauhan:
Being healer
- She has found her potential and passion to listen and understand every patient to the core.
- She is enthusiastic about treating patients with utmost care and vigilance.
- Being holistic healer her advice would go beyond the treatment, focusing on how to keep health intact by favorite hobbies, walk in nature, yoga and different meditation techniques.
Being writer
- With the keen interest in writing, she started her journey with laymen awareness articles.
- Travelling together with Dr. Dinesh, has created a bank of new ideas towards designer’s approach in healing would take form of book compilation in recent future.
- She has submitted her case article in esteemed online journal like Hpathy.
- Her compiled articles with Drs. Chauhan are:
- Connect yourself through nature.
- A walk towards true health
- Homoeopathic interview a destination in itself
- Three steps of vocation
Being teacher:
She started her teaching career, with ABJF webinar series in 2015 for 70 Indian Homeopaths from various states.
As a prover:
She participated in proving of drug "mansarovar lake" conducted by Dr. Atul Patwardhan.[ Pune]
Working for ABJF TRUST
With a visionary eye to take it further, she takes care of all the activities under banner of ABJF TRUST, created by Drs. Chauhan.
- Workshop of 3 days for more than 130 students every year at conducted Shahpur.
- Webinars are coordinated by her.
- Compiles Brochures, articles, pamphlets for ABJF
- Heads the panel of doctor for ABJF charity clinic
- Manages website: www.abjftrust.com
she also practices in her private clinic on Sundays and Mondays, in Dahisar west Mumbai.
EMAIL: kjinkal@gmail.com or CONTACT NO: +91 9029476256