9th January: DAY 1: Assemble at 11 am
10th January: Day 2: Full-day Teaching Session
11th January: Day 3: Full-day Teaching Session
12th January: Day 4: Concluding Teaching Session till 12 pm
Fee: 3700/- (Including food & stay)
Venue -
Hotel Ashoka, Matheran, Near Mumbai, Maharashtra - 410102
For More Details Contact -
abjftrust@gmail.com / +91- 9819461727
In this workshop, I felt most of you who are coming are in tune with Old families in Insight into Plants Volume 1 and 2. So I decided to revisit and reconnect some of those and derive their master key from a multidimensional perspective.
This will take you to a dimension that not only helps you to understand the holistic picture with a new perspective but also connects all the modern masters of plant families like Yakir, Scholten, Vermuelen and our Classical Master’s understandings.
Finally, THE SCHEMA- Thus Spoke the Plants is Updated and Ready
I began my journey of researching Remedy, Family, Higher order, and Class in 2000, when I worked on volumes I and II of ‘Insight into Plants’ by Dr Rajan Sankaran. There I worked on the derivation of sensation of more than 30 plant families and higher orders. Then my whole journey shifted towards Case-taking where I worked on a simple, scientific, reproducible method of case witnessing process that I wrote in the book “The Scientifically Intuitive Case Witnessing Process – The journey of three steps”. I kept developing this method of three steps of case witnessing and its application in different ages like children (my book ‘A Wander with a Little Wonder’), non-verbal children, old age, in pathology (deep and acute pathology), psychiatric conditions, etc.
In the last five years started realizing the need for – a PARADIGM SHIFT moving from a one-dimensional (fixed approach) to a multi-dimensional (integrative approach) in homoeopathy. I realise most of us doing homoeopathy, Case witnessing and deriving master key (holistic center) of remedy, family and higher order from a one-dimensional ( fixed) approach- one book, one person, one system, one method, one approach, one theme oriented.
I started Deriving the Master key (holistic center) of Patient, Remedy, family, higher order and class from a Multidimensional Integrative Holistic Approach. In order to derive a master key of a remedy, family, higher order, or class, I need to study them from a multidimensional aspect which you will see below.
I use these 7 multidimensional areas to derive the Master key.
1.Exact classification
2. Exact Natural Characteristics.
3. Homeopathic Characteristics from Seven different types of Homeopathic literature, selecting one book from each type. Like Kentian Type: Boger Boenninghausen Type: Contemporary Materia Medica Type: Thematic Materia Medica Type: Keynote Type, Repertorial Books, In Different Types Provings.
4. Exact Chemical Composition
5. New Research Study
6. Characteristics From Alternative Science
7. History and Mythology
When three or more than three areas of above seven areas pointing to the same holistic center, this is The master key (Holistic Key) of remedy, family, higher order and class.
Through this multidimensional integrative holistic approach , I started understanding each remedy's master key, first with Polycrest remedies, then moving onto lesser-known, then very-less-known, that are not available in homoeopathy.
I gradually began to derive the master key of family, higher order, and class using the same methodology.
And my all work of Thus Spoke the Plants- A complete integrative holistic encyclopedia of the remedies is product of the same.
1) Moving from two dimensional, one book- one person- one system approach to an Integrative Multidimensional Approach (Based on his recent research work)
2) Study and Understanding of CLASS ROSID With Latest schema of
a) Master key of Class Rosid and Higher Order Rosales.
b) Master of 5 families of Rosales Higher Order – Rosaceae, Ulmaceae, Urticaceae, Rhamnaceae, Cannabaceae, Moraceae and its exact differentiationMaster key of Family Rosaceae and its well-known remedies like Crataegus, Laurocerasus then lesser known like Carb apple, Fragaria Vesca, Spiraea alba, Ulmaria, Rosa and many more with their exact differentiation
c) Master key of Family Urticaceae and how the master key differs in well know remedies like Urtica urens and in lesser known remedies like Urtica Dioica.
d) Master key of Family Ulmaceae and the exact complete master key in well known remedies like Ulmus Rubra, Ulmus Procera (well known bach flower – Elm) and lesser-known Ulmus Americana. Know the exact difference between these remedies.
e) Master key of Family Rhamnaceae with well known remedies Cheonanthus Americans, lesser-known Ziziphus and Very less known Ziziphus Madecassus ( should be known in homoeopathy)
f) Master Key of Family Cannabacea (Know why this family is placed in Rosales in the Latest APG4 classification and shifted from Hammamelidae) and Master key of its very well-known remedies Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa with exact differences at master key level. Also the lesser-known Lupulus Humulus and know the exact differentiation between Cannabis and Lupulus.
g) Master key of Family Moraceae with well-known remedies Ficus Indica, Ficus Religiosa and the exact differentiation between them, lesser-known Ficus Macrophylla, Ficus Carica and Upas (Earlier Placed in Loganaceae Family) and its Exact Difference with rare remedies like Ficus Elastica ( Indian rubber) and Morus Nigra (Mulberry tree)
h) Detailed complete Schema of each Remedies of the above Families with its Exact Master key, Sphere of Action and 3 characteristics symptoms, Miasm and exact differentiating points between them
i) All of the above with Fresh Cases to explain this concept highlighting the master key of the above remedies.
2) Study and Understanding of CLASS MAGNOLIID With Latest schema of
a) The master key of Class Magnoliid with its 3 Higher Orders Magnoliales, Laurales, Piperales and its exact differentiation.
b) Master Key of Higher Order Magnoliales and its Families like Magnoliaceae [Magnolia family] (known remedies like Magnolia Grandiflora), Annonaceae [Custard Apple family] (known remedies like Assimina Triloba, Gautteria Gaumeri), Myristicaceae [Nutmeg Family] (Known remedies like Myristica Sebifera, Nux Moschata) with its exact differentiation.
c) Master key of Higher Order Laurales and its Family Lauraceae with known remedies like Camphora, Camphora Bromatum, Cinnamonum Ceylanicum, Laurus Nobilis etc
d) Master key of Higher Order Piperales and its families like Piperaceae (with known remedies like Piper Methyiasticum, Piper Betel, Cubeba Officinalis, Piper Nigricum, Piper sarmentosum etc ), Aristolochiaceae ( with known remedies like Aristolochia Clematis, Asarum Europeum and lesser known like Aristolochia Serpentaria etc)
e) Detailed complete Schema of each Remedy of above Families with its Exact Master key, Sphere of Action and 3 characteristics symptoms, Miasm and exact difference between them.
f) All of the above with Fresh Cases to explain this concept highlighting the master key of the above remedies...
3) From here we will revisit higher orders and the class -
Those we already did in various other ABJF and online Lectures… This is specially to take you all further with new cases, exact differentiation points and the Latest schema of the Master key of Class CAMPANULIID where we will have the exact master key of Higher Order Asterales and Apiales further studying the exact master key of each family and remedy to exactly differentiate between them with a wide range of latest new cases from Dr Dinesh’s clinical desk. Similarly, the Master key of Class LAMIID where we will have the exact master key of Higher Order Gentianales, Solanales, Lamiales and Boraginales further studying the exact master key of each family and remedies to exactly differentiate between them with a wide range of latest new cases from Dr Dinesh’s clinical desk.
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