Graduated with B.H.M.S in the year 2010 from Smt, C.M.P Homeopathic Medical College. She is associated with Drs. Chauhan at Swasthya Homeopathic Healing since 4 years, a senior doctor at Swasthya and ABJF’s Charity clinic she does home visits for critically ill patients. At Swasthya she heads the project for ‘Laymen awareness’. She is the Coordinator for the ‘CLINICAL COURSE’ for International Homeopaths as well as Online courses organized by Drs. Chauhan. She has complied and published Laymen articles under the Banner of Swasthya Homeopathic Healing. She has compiled book ‘From treating to transforming: Choose Homeopathy’ with Drs. Chauhans. She has lectured for Clinical course Students from many countries like Germany, Portugal, France, Brazil, South Africa, she has also lectured in ABJF seminar and webinars and teaching doctors and interns at Swasthya Homoeopathic Healing. She has given 2 day seminars at A. M. Sheikh Belgaum Homeopathic Medical College, Manitham Homeopathic healing centre at Tamil Nadu, Sivaraj Homoeopathic medical college in Salem, Tamil nadu

As a Healer:

As a Project Co-ordinator:

As a Writer:

As a Lecturer:

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