Dr. Denise Rodrigues (B.H.M.S) is a Gold Medalist from SKHMC, Goa University. The founder of two set ups: Sanjeevan Aastha Homoepathic Clinic in Raia and Sanjeevan Aastha Holistic Rehabilitation and Homoeopathic Centre in Borim, Goa. She is also working as a part time lecturer in the Dept. Of Materia Medica at Shri Kamaxidevi Homoeopathic Medical College, Shiroda. Having worked with Dr. Dinesh Chauhan of Swasthya Homoepathic Healing, Mumbai, managing patients and training herself in the case witnessing process she has been associated with Dr. Dinesh since 2-3 years. Dr. Denise intends spreading this unique way of case taking to all her colleagues and students in Goa and India.
A dedicated Homoeopath, voracious reader, passionate dog lover and enthusiastic baker, she believes in being the change to attain a higher purpose of living.

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