Dr. Dinesh Chauhan practices classical Homoeopathy in Mumbai, India since last 14 years. Insightful and passionate about homoeopathy, Dr. Dinesh Chauhan is one of the most influential figures in today's homoeopathic world. He is well received by his patients as a caring homoeopath, and he is a potential teacher for students all over the globe.

Dr. Dinesh Chauhan—A Distinguished Teacher

The vital focus of his teaching:

One of the main focuses in Dr. Dinesh's teaching is his pioneering work on the case taking process for homeopaths, which he describes as "The Scientifically Intuitive Case Witnessing Process [CWP]". One of the biggest achievements for a homoeopath is to understand his patient until he reaches the patient's core, so that he can find a simillimum for his patient. And there comes the importance of Case-Taking; which is one of the key points of Dr. Dinesh. His scientifically intuitive case witnessing process is that it is completely scientific, human-centric, and reproducible.

His mastery of the MateriaMedica and his understanding of various kingdoms, such as Plant, Mineral, Animal, Sarcodes, or Imponderables make his lectures extremely informative and complete.

His knack for follow up management of patients makes his lecture a wholesome and practical experience for the student.


Dr. Dinesh has lectured internationally at the following places:

Seminars and clinical courses for international homoeopaths:

Seminars for the Indian Homoeopaths:

WEBINARS (Online teaching)

Dr. Dinesh on Panel:

Dr. Dinesh as an author:

Contribution by Dr Dinesh in Journals:

Dr Dinesh For Laymen:

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