
We are thankful to all the lecturers from ABJF family for their generous attempts to teach upon basic fundamentals of holistic homeopathy, and in helping strengthen the roots ....for all attendees...  around 70 plus students from different corners of India, majorly from Belgaum, Tamilnadu, Pune, Mumbai, Bhopal and Bangalore.

ABJF is very happy to witness the growth of seeds sowed by it, seeds that have sprouted well and are now ready to blossom with their own potentials. ABJF also extends its heartiest thanks to the people that worked behind the stage that includes Dr. Zinkal Tilva, Dr. Riddhi Jain under loving guidance of Dr. Urvi Chauhan. The trio handled the technical aspects efficiently to make the show a smooth sail for one and all.

Here we have details of each session and about each contributing faculties: 

Session 1: SCIENTIFICALLY INTUITIVE JOURNEY IN CASE WITNESSING PROCESS by Dr. Riddhi Jain, a senior homoeopath who is currently working with Dr. Dinesh Chauhan and is also helping co-coordinating various courses since past 5 years.   After chanting a blissful prayer by Dr. Urvi Chauhan; Dr Riddhi Jain gave an insight in to the basic concept of finding the PQRS at the holistic level and understanding the human core during case-taking in light of individualistic expressions at the holistic level. She also illustrated a thematic case belonging to the animal kingdom.

Session 2: OVERVIEW OF READING MATERIA MEDICA WITH INTRODUCTION AND STUDYING PLANT KINGDOM by Dr. Priyanka Jain; a senior doctor and lecturer, from Swasthya clinic, practicing now at Shrishti Homoeocare, MUMBAI. She acknowledged about how to study materia medica, holistically how to match the Centre of the patient with Centre of the remedy, along with special emphasis on plant sensations and it’s differentiation from other families.

Session 3: INSIGHTFUL CONCEPT OF MINERAL KINGDOM by Dr. Atul  Patwardhan; Practicing holistic homoeopathy since 10 years and  teaching  it since past 8 years in Pune .He taught the derivations of every element of the periodic table by giving general guidelines of rows and columns. 

And Also by Dr. Rina Dedhiya who is practicing in Pune and working on upcoming book on CWP in acutes with Dr. Dinesh Chauhan. She threw light on the theme of each element of the fourth row with case illustration.

Session 4: THEMATIC VIEW TO ANIMAL KINGDOM by Dr. Zinkal Tilva, practicing with Dr. Dinesh Chauhan & also holds to be the chief co-coordinator of all the activities taking place under the ABJF banner. She acknowledged the basic issues of animal kingdom and its classification to subkingdom, along with finer aspects of differentiation in remedy selection. 

Session 5: JOURNEY TILL SOURCE, ILLUSTRATING WITH CASES by Dr. Sayali Butala, working with Dr. Dinesh Chauhan since past 4 years, and is currently compiling a book on Advanced Case-taking with Dr. Dinesh Chauhan. She taught, “How to reach to simillimum & How to Know if the case is complete” along with a case demonstration of Lac leoninum. 

Dr. Obaidullah: who is also a lecturer and consultant at a cancer OPD of Sheikh hospital in Belgaum, narrated a case from the mineral kingdom.

Dr. Rangrajan practicing holistic homoeopathy since 7 years in Devnagere, Karnataka, and lecturing in college of Devnagere, showed a case from the plant family and explained how rubrics lead him to select the right remedy.

Dr. Ashok, who is a lecturer and consultant in Government Homoeopathy medical college at Tirumangalam, Madurai since 2010, narrated a case of Composite from Plant Kingdom. 

Session 6: INTEGRATION OF VARIOUS APPROACHES OF HOMOEOPATHY by Dr. Dinesh Chauhan, an original thinker, teaching in 22 countries, since past 10 years, and has developed the case witnessing process. He concluded from all the previous 5 lectures that were conducted by the above mentioned doctors, and integrated the understanding of the concept as to  how one can find holistic PQRS to reach to the right remedy and how one can find individual’s PQRS, applying same homoeopathic principles in life.

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