A journey of Simple scientific reproducible 3 steps of case taking
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The Lecturers will be doing sessions Complementary to spread the learning flame for the maximum benefit of homoeopaths.
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SESSION 1 : An Introduction to the Integrative Holistic Approach in Homoeopathy and foundation of the Case Witnessing Process - Dr Dinesh Chauhan
SESSION 2: The Detailed Journey of The Three steps of Case Witnessing
INDIVIDUALISATION AT HOLISTIC LEVEL (IAHL)– Can this fundamental law be practically applied in homoeopathy to arrive at real holistic similimum in a variety of cases? How detailed understanding of IAHL helps to connect all masters and all schools of homeopathy
How to practically apply this concept in your patients through case taking technique which is case witnessing process
Travelling the journey of development of Case Witnessing Process, how it evolved, concept, and the scientific path of going through scattered symptoms towards the whole pattern
Basic steps of Case witnessing process- The Passive , Active and Active- Active Step, an introduction to WHAT - WHEN -WHY of these steps and the AIMS OF EACH STEP
With Illustrative Cases
SESSION 3: Child Centric Designer Approach of Holistic Healing with Case Witnessing Process [In Verbal and Non Verbal Cases]
The Concept of Simple, scientific Three steps of Case Witnessing in children (In Verbal children between 4 to 16 years) especially by using their subconscious mind
(fear, dreams, interest hobbies, drawing/doodling), thus making the case witnessing process child friendly and reproducible and to catalyse the process of bringing their whole design on surface.
Unique child centric diary (During Treatment and After treatment) -
a) Introduced with guided questionnaire to help them to give clear picture of their whole design.
b) A possibility to give individualistic child centric advises with the help of child centric diary.
Understanding the Holistic Center and Remedy analysis in pediatric cases
Scientific Posology Criteria in Pediatric cases
Follow up criteria in pediatric cases
Designers 5 steps of case witnessing approach in Non verbal children , special children or uniquely abled children (special children like Autistic/Dyslexic/Asperger, Cerebral palsy, ADHD, etc)
The concept and how to explore a mother's history during pregnancy .
Specially designed diary for Non verbal and special cases to bring out unique symptoms/expressions in every follow up
Scientific Posology and repetition in such cases
With illustrative Cases
SESSION 4: Inclusive Holistic Homoeopathy in Acute Cases with Case Witnessing Process. (From 'The book of acute’ of Dr chauhan)
How to handle Acute illnesses, acute situations and acute new normal situations with Holistic integrative approach
Acute Case Witnessing Process: A journey of TWO STEPS touching the Holistic pattern (The Vital sensation) with ease and success while TREATING acute on PPP. (Present, Predominant Picture).
A Detailed Acute Case Witnessing process steps for New Acute cases and for Existing chronic cases coming with Acute illness.
How to find holistic rubric and relate materia medica in Acute cases.
Scientific Posology Criteria according to the type of Acute cases.
Acute: A Door to chronic similimum: How to explore this possibility with success?
ILLUSTRATIVE CASES to demonstrate various case studies from the present scenario
SESSION 5: Integrative Management for Deep pathological and Psychiatric cases with Case Witnessing Process
How to approach difficult chronic cases and cases with deep pathologies with the help of case witnessing process.
Concept of unique case witnessing technique and areas required to explore and understand the STATE of the patient when they are undergoing grave or deep pathological illnesses.
Also throwing more clarity on the concept of posology in such kind of cases where one can scientifically prescribe from all available potencies.
Case illustrations with various types of cases and possibilities of prescribing
What are psychiatric diseases and how it is different from other diseases.
Difficulties in Case witnessing process of psychiatric cases.
Understanding the difference between pathological delusions and holistic state delusions in psychiatric cases to unfold the REAL STATE and prescribe the RIGHT SIMILIMUM at holistic level.
How to take cases of chronic one sided Psychosis patients to arrive at their CORE/UNIQUE STATE by creating patient centric environments during Case witnessing.
Posology criteria in psychiatric illness.
With Illustrative Cases
SESSION 6: Geriatric Centric Case Witnessing Process Journey
WHAT is a geriatric age and what happens physiologically and pathologically during this age.
Three steps of Case witnessing with geriatric centric questionnaire.
WHAT to ask and WHY to ask during case witnessing process.
Geriatric centric diary with some specific questions to make them come closer to their state more and more.
Concept of designer geriatric counselling: WHEN to do it and HOW to make it individualistic and holistic.
Posology criteria in geriatric cases.
All of the above with Case illustrations.
SESSION 7: Further along journey of Case witnessing process in RETAKE cases.
What do we do when patient is not improving at all inspite of giving the most suitable remedy?
When to Re assess the patient?
HOW EXACTLY DO WE RE-ASESS THE PATIENT? A glimpse into special points to be noted during case witnessing in retake cases.
HOW to avoid our same mind set and avoid failing again.
How to make the second prescription in the patient which is the most difficult one.
HOW to take follow ups in retake cases to explore them deeper and more complete towards real holistic state.
Case illustration of a Retake Case.
SESSION 8: The Finale of further along Journey of Case Witnessing Process and insights with practical cases by the Master Dr Dinesh Chauhan
“I am very excited after such a long search for a practical and systematic tool regarding case taking, I am able to understand the patient on a deeper level and find a matching remedy, I have finally found what I was looking for…and much more. The steps in the case taking process are so clear to me now. With this method, I always know where I am at and how to go back on track once I lose myself in the process.” – Marion (SA)
"You've created a case taking structure for the Sensation method that is linear, sensible and elegantly simple to apply under any circumstances." Barbara Lowry (USA)
"I have attended 3 ABJF seminars 'til date and one in Pune, since last 6 months my way of case taking has deepen and my understanding of human being has enlarged after practicing the case witnessing process. Still this complete system not yet installed within me.... But the journey is going on.... Which is more amazing. "Dr. Harshad kadam (participants ABJF Feb 2012
- I enjoyed this day so much - as some hidden awareness opened up in my mind. I was amazed how Dr.Dinesh in three steps manages to connect some aspects, which seemed random, even bizarre and irrelevant, to the final remedy. Amazing experience and yet so well presented that any careful and open minded practitioner is able to do it. (BV)
"Decided to use Dr Dinesh method with a new client after the seminar for the first time. I have used sensation but badly before I think. The beauty of passive case witnessing is that you don't have to do anything at all!... It goes to the core of your own confidence to do this... Most of the work had been done and I could soon go home and make myself a Berocca. Happy days. .... It is really quite fascinating what happens when you just sit there with an interested look and don't ask any questions. Four questions in one hour, and virtually not a single word. Just affirmatory noises. It was fascinating...It is just a beautiful little case came out of this process. It is so complete, so whole, just so positive: )" Participant from Australia seminar
An Integrative Multidimentional Holistic Approach by Dr Dinesh
Get A glimpse of Case witnessing Website
An Introduction to the Book Scientifically Intuitive Case Witnessing Process by the Author Dr Dinesh Chauhan
Know about the 4th Step APP to get access to the world of Case Witnessing and More
When Arjuna meets Navagunjara- Dr Dinesh narrates the story to us
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