I like to read books.

I don't like to sit idle at home, I get bored easily.

I like to sing, dance, colour, play, swim. I don't like many sports but I like few.

I have bad headache which aggravates in sun.

I don't get sleep while night.

I like silent places.

I like listening music.

I like to sit on roller coasters.

I like to go to pool and swim.

I like to travel to other places and explore new things[ coughs].

I like pet animals.

I don't like spooky animal places where all animals are fake.I like reading.

I like designing things, I like creating things, I don't like maths.

I like gymnastics.

I like clicking photos, I really get excited going at new places which I haven't visited.I get excited but upset when I loose them.

I like writing poems.

I like getting stationary because  I really like to draw.

I cannot eat always home food, I want something yummy to eat otherwise  I will get sick.

I don’t like people disturbing me when I am doing something. [ cough].

I like celebrating birthdays,festivals, going to the parties.

I don’t like people copying me, I get annoyed.

I don’t like black and white things, I like colourful things.

I like to go to places where we get to see, paintings and pictures.

Many a times I don't get ideas that what I want to do and I get frustrated.

I like to work in devices, like to search about home work in computers.

I like trying new things, I will always be curious doing  many things, which I have never tries, I have never seen before, but I will be scared , what if it doesn't work.

I like to write things, but I get annoyed when I cant find the thing which I want to write.

[ This is peculiar as, here she qualifies that she gets frustrated when doesn't get ideas]

I don’t like places where I am not comfortable, like in jungle.

I don’t like wearing uncomfortable clothes.

I like visiting zoo parks.

I don’t like eating bitter things.

I like growing plants, and I like drawing sceneries.

I like to sing, dance, art, craft, paint, design the things. I really like to collect the things and not loose them easily.

I hate loud music, like listening soft music, like decorating things.

[ So far many things are coming in areas of like and dislikes. so now we will passively guide towards, childhood, and subconscious areas to see if same story runs there too!]


AREA childhood:

As a baby I like to draw all the time.I didn't liked singing and dancing which I liked now.

I  used to cook.

Don’t like museums, instead I used to like going to amusement parks like dynes lands, but I don't like to get myself dirty and muddy.

I don't like insects ,I like butterflies.

I used to like learning new places, new religion, new people, new countries, and geographies.

AREA fear:

I am scared of dark at night, and going alone in room. scared of reptiles, and scared of going to doctors. [ Sips  water in between]

AREA dreams:

I was lost in middle of sea and I was drowning.

when I was small someone expired, really scare me.

I did well and I won the competition.

I got new pens and new device.

I am doing somewhere in boat and gonna drown as boats are really high.


like doing many things, creating things, exploring new things, new places, new languages since childhood.[ so I will be active asking about that]

level of experience: higher, as giving qualified emotions in terms of likes dislikes, fears. [so potency at end will be 1m.]

local / general/vital areas covered:

general areas she is talking about

Is she  in touch with herself?:  yes talks about her spontaneously without defences. so we will not need any techniques to zoom in to her centre.


D: You like to many creative things, like to explore new things tell about it?

I like to explore to learn new languages,

I like to dance till I get exhausted. I can just dance even if there are no songs, because it gives me new ideas. it gets me in to be more creative.

learning new things makes me more creative; If I start  to think about something, I cannot stop.[ cough]

If I am writing story, and I get basic ideas I can write whole story, but I get struggle in getting basic ideas for long time.[ Here she qualifies that, there is a struggle in getting new ideas]

Visiting new places gives me ideas fast, I twist and turn those ideas and make new things. add new things cut out few points from original and make new story.

D: Give one example?

A girl has gone to park, and she found something below her shoes. It was a “ a key” that make her do all adventures. A villain is there trying steal from her but a fairy helped her by throwing villain in to far land of something. This story I really enjoyed and it made me curious for adventures.

Curious  to learn new things, but scared what if it harms me. Like I bought pencil colour, which costed me a lot but what if it doesn't work, I have to rethink about another one and buy. I have to rethink about new idea.

[ Here she qualifies that there is a struggle and she scares of getting new ideas which confirms our focus and now will zoom in in to it to explore whole]


D: Its important to get ideas but there is lot of struggle tell about it?

I struggle for hours and hours to get new ideas that is my main problem; because if I don’t get new idea I cannot  do anything. I wont be able to draw, write, create without basic start.

D: What you go through in struggling for new ideas?

I get delayed all things.

writing is not a problem but thinking about it is a problem.

I really take a long time to get new idea. I get confused which one I should choose out of many ideas. I just cannot pick up one.  always confused between many ideas.

If I get idea,this confusion takes a long time may be a whole day just fix up a topic for simple thing like, lets say to create a story.

I wanna become singer, dancer and architect, and I am confused between three. whenever I do something , I cannot do without my parents?

[ Here in her goal also she gets confused and qualifies it with needing a help to guide her]

D: Tell about it?

If I do something new, I get scared what if I fail in it, what if it doesn't work. Then I take help of mother, teacher,or  friend to complete it.

Case Ends Here








Since childhood like doing many thing, like singing, dancing, creating decorating, drawing, painting but there is a lot of struggle to think about new ideas, sometime takes full day to think.  Always confused for the start, confused to select between two like; which topic to select to write poem or which dress to wear, which stuff to buy where she need help of mother, friend teacher.  she had always doubt and fear what if this idea fails. once she gets idea she will make the thing perfectly.


There is need for an ability to explore new, strange different activity , where you need to be creative and different, to express your individuality.

Rubidium [Column 1 & Series 5]: Will be panicked with the thought of expressing individuality, by creating, designing new things or getting new ideas without someone on whom he is completely dependent.

Strontium  [Column 1 & Series 5]: Will be able to explore new strange, different to express his individuality  only with help, guidance, support by  someone on whom he is dependent on.

yttrium  [Column 1 & Series 5]: Will be completely confused to select which idea he should opt to create, to design, to express his individuality. There is lot of doubt and fear of failing and there they need guidance to come out of confusion.

Centre of patient exactly matches to centre of yttrium.





Exploring art and science:



Yttrium Metallicum 1m 1 dose.


Migraine doesn't hurt that much; and dandruff is there. she doesn't get sleep.

legs hurt a lot.

There is fear of exam coming on head, where I will be assessed.

I don’t get tired as earlier I used to be.

D: How is that lot of struggle to get idea?

There a struggle persist to get new idea as I have many and difficult to choose one. I really cannot choose. If I need to buy I cannot choose [ coughs], I either ask someone to help me.

I get confused and two minded. Which dress to select out of two, which dress to wear for parties?, I really get tensed.

D: What is fear of exam?

What I find forget something. If question comes I don’t understand which answer to write. I get confused [ coughs]

[ Here little better in migraine and overall energy but nota ta lplbetetr in confusion of selecting one idea out of many so we will repeat doses here.

Remedy: Yttrium 1m 1 dose]


Migraine little better, but still it is there. I get it when I sleep late.

I started swimming and reading fiction.

Now I don’t struggle, I get new ideas very fast.

D: How is confusion between two ideas?

I am more decisive, I can choose between two, I don’t get confused. I don’t get tired also.

[Mentally much better but migraine is still there so we repeated one more time 1 dose of yttrium to give a push to helping process]


Migraine doesn't hurt that often, the way it used to hurt and intensity has reduced and whenever I take sos, [ frequent dilution of yttrium 1m] I feel better in it.

I became decisive, in choosing what I should buy and what I should wear.

I choose topic on which I want to write easily.

I made many poems I will bring to show you next time.

Dream: I giant was troubling the family, somehow managed to shrink the giant and escape from there.

Mother says: Headaches had been cured with your medicines, Now she can sleep well.

[As she got dream, we repeated her doses yttrium 1m]


Headache in rarest case only when I sleep late other wise no headaches. in that case I take sos and I m out of it in 2 hours.

D: Overall?

No more confusion left in me, I can decide  from 2 things and I am confident about what I need to do. Choosing the things has become faster.

I don’t get tired any play a good amount of time; Capacity has increased.

I sleep well.

D:Hobbies now a days?

I can draw within 5 mins.

I am not scared anymore but like to do, badminton, skating, drawing, dancing, singing. and I really enjoy all

[ Now there are no complaints as such so no doses]

Dr. Zinkal Tilva
Dr. Zinkal Tilva has obtained her B.H.M.S degree from the R.H.M.C College, Rajkot. She has also obtained her P.G degree in Homoeopathy in the year 2012        In journey of 3 years with Drs. Chauhan: Being healer She has found her potential and passion to l
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