A Journey Ahead Deeper in to Case Witnessing Process with Case Illustrations…Upcoming 8 session FREE Webinar Series - Sept-oct-nov -dec 2016

  A FREE ABJF WEBINAR SERIES 2016 8 SESSION COURSE ON A Journey ahead Deeper into the Case Witnessing Process with Case Illustrations… 25TH SEPT – 18TH DEC 2016 9:30 AM-11:30 AM SUNDAY After learning Basics of plant, mineral, animal kingdoms, how to reach to the source level in a case and how to know the source is correct, now ABJF WEBINAR SERIES is taking you a step further, to learn each steps of the case witnessing process in detail thro more +

A Journey Ahead Strengthening the Roots

We are thankful to all the lecturers from ABJF family for their generous attempts to teach upon basic fundamentals of holistic homeopathy, and in helping strengthen the roots ....for all attendees...  around 70 plus students from different corners of India, majorly from Belgaum, Tamilnadu, Pune, Mumbai, Bhopal and Bangalore. ABJF is very happy to witness the growth of seeds sowed by it, seeds that have sprouted well and are now ready to blossom with their own potentials. ABJF also extend more +

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