Case of 10 years old girl with Migraines by Dr. Zinkal Tilva

PASSiVE CASE WiTNESSiNG PROCESS AREA SELF I like to read books. I don't like to sit idle at home, I get bored easily. I like to sing, dance, colour, play, swim. I don't like many sports but I like few. I have bad headache which aggravates in sun. I don't get sleep while night. I like silent places. I like listening music. I like to sit on roller coasters. I like to go to pool and swim. I like to travel to other places and explore new things[ coughs]. more +

Case of Bilateral Ovarian Cyst by Dr. Harpreet

Female patient 40 yrs of age...suffering from bilateral ovarian cyst. PASSIVE CASE WITNESSING PROCESS Dr.       Tell me whatever u want to tell regarding your illness, about you as a person, which would help me to understand you and your sickness. P.         Pain lower abdomen which use to occur every 10-15 days, then it started occurring daily, now it occurs daily almost constantly. Also suffering from indigestion, can more +

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